Step 5 : Documents
Time to get your Application forms completed and your documents together.
Right... So you have :
- Application forms for the product you would like to invest into
- Chosen your funds you are going to invest into within your product
Your next step is to complete the Application forms...
If you need help with completing the application forms, you can download examples of the application forms below.
Next... If you will be making an initial "Lump Sum" investment, you will now need to make that money transfer into the relevant Allan Gray bank account.
Click the button below to download a list of the Allan Gray bank details.
Next... Please "Click" on and download the following 2 documents:
(These documents are required for compliance purposes)
Please read this document carefully and understand its contents.
Please also read this document carefully, understand its contents and sign it.
You will need to send this document back to us with your Investment documents..
Once you have completed the above, please go through the list of required documents below and "tick" the boxes as you have them ready to submit to us.
NB: You will need to "Tick" ALL the boxes before you can move to the next step.
If you are unsure of what documents comply with the requirements below, you will find a list of acceptable documents at the rear of your Allan Gray Application form under annexure A.
Once you have all documents ready, Tick all the boxes to confirm and then click "Next" below to go to the next step.
NOTE : We will NOT be able to process your application before we have ALL of the required documentation.
Important : Please ensure that your proof of address and Proof of banking details are less that 3 months old.