PART 2 - Tell Us a Bit about Yourself and Your Investment Goals.
In order to guide you as accurately as possible, we have a few questions for you to answer.
Please answer the questions below as accurately as possible
We will build your Investment proposal based on your answers to these questions as well as the outcome we receive from the Risk Tolerance Questionnaire you will complete in the next step.
A guide to answering your investment questions:
There are 4 sets of questions in the table.
They address important information regarding :

Investment Term:
How long do you plan to save for before accessing your investment?
There are 4 choices (A- D). Please choose ONE Option.

Is this an Investment towards your Retirement?
Your answer here will give us further guidance on the type of Investment Vehicle we may propose you use.
If this Investment is towards your retirement, please tick this box.

Single Lump sum or Monthly Investment:
Once again, your answer will assist with investment choices as well as providing correct documentation.
There are 2 choices (A or B). Please choose ONE Option.

Investment Goal Value:
Together with the answers to the above questions, your answer to this question will assist us in our investment suggestions to you.
There are 4 choices (a - d). Please choose ONE Option.
Taking into account the guidance outline for the below questions, please click the appropriate radio buttons below:
Please be aware that any information that you submit to us will be dealt with in the strictest confidentiality. None of the information you submit or share with us will be shared with any other party unless approved by yourself in writing.